In addition to the base employer services, Pursuit provides critical tools to help the investment firm and their portfolio companies meaningfully grow and achieve their business objectives. The design of the program also ensures Pursuit Fellows will be supported on the job as entry-level talent so they can grow into mid-level engineers.

Since launching the partnership in 2021, over 16 Fellows have been employed at six flagship USV portfolio companies, including Foursquare, Thirty Madison, Sift, Skillshare, David Energy, and Quizlet.
The model has proven effective at companies at all stages, from seed through publicly traded:
92% of 2021 USV-Fellows employed at portfolio company 2 years later (vs ~50% 2-year industry-wide retention)
100% of USV partner companies say Pursuit has advanced company & team business objectives
100% of USV companies say Pursuit advances ESG and DEI efforts
100% say that Pursuit Commit has been valuable for them, their team, their company

Capital allocators serve as a critical node and can cohesively drive ESG goals for all stakeholders across the investment portfolio. The Pursuit portfolio model advances culture and employee engagement, not just for investment firms and portfolio companies but for limited partners as well. This innovative model is a strategy that has the potential to become a model for the ‘social’ in ESG.